Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Abolissons la Pauvrete Parte Deux: Get On Board

So I was watching The National and there was a piece about this grassroots movement called Get On Board. The idea of the movement was to travel to some of the poorest villages in Africa and take messages from them directly to the G8 leaders. And Emma Thomson was featured, saying that the idea that helping Africa and changing policy and providing aid is charity needs to change. This cannot be thought of as charity, that mentality is wrong. It is our moral responsibility to take care of African people just as much as it is to take care of Canadian people, to protect the unprotected from injustice. Poverty should be seen as injustice, not just misfortune.

The messages included pleas for education, empowerment of women, free anti-virals, and this one was my favourite: "G8 Leaders: Your guns equals to our poverty"

I've been following, and commenting on a weblog called Wizbang which turns out to be kinda right wing, but what the hell... and if you wanted to check it out and see what your brilliant pal kristin has to say... there you go. The initial post is called Will Live Aid End Poverty, and it pissed me off, as well as subsequent posts and I felt the need to comment.

so mainly what I'm thinking about is how poverty is not the real problem but the symptom of the problem. So yeah, we need to root out the cause and fix that. But in medicine you have to treat the symptoms and the cause more often than not. so while Aid may not be The Answer, it most definitely needs to be part of the package.


Anonymous said...

trade reform is the cause... we need to reevaluate how we subsidize funding and the tariffs that are put on African countries that make it difficult for them to export goods... and if you look just far enough you see that it's the US maintaining reign over the world- they don't want to give up any of their "powers" and until the relinquish some the lives of many Africans will not change... plain and not so simple.

Sj said...

k..i'm heading over to Wizbang now, wanted to let you know I read this..

I'm happy to see our friends write on this too.. JAC, Stephie, etc.

ta ta

Sj said...

Liam Gallagher.. Bill O'Reilly.. Wizbang..still doesn't change reality for those who are suffering.

Great thing we have these borders huh? They keep the bad stuff out.

kristin said...

Jac, you definitely have something there. I suspect it goes even farther than we can perceive... but uh, yah. making trade fair, stopping the flow of arms... making it not okay to get rich standing on the broken backs of those a kajillion miles away... that's the way to fix the problems. and again, in the mean time if I can make it easier for a village or two get food and clean water and education than sign me right the fuck up... is what I'm saying.

Hey - missy said you were going to be 'home' for 2 days before going home. if yeah, lets all try to get together! send me an email or a text or leave me a note on whatever is my most recent post. Kay?

Steve - I liked your comment on Wizbang... thanks for havin my back dawg.

Liam Gallagher... wtf...

Anonymous said...

Um... in terms of it going farther that what we can perceive... of course it does but I'm not in front of a computer long enough to elaborate... maybe a blog later.

I'm probably going to be home really late saturday night... I need to see a million people before tuesday night tho- so I'm not sure what's going on yet. It's going to be busy. I'm so exhausted I need a bajillion hours of sleep. But I just have to say coaching...


kristin said...

right on jac, glad ur havin fun.

about the weekend... give us a call if you can. i know mb was disappointed she didn't get to see you and the 3 or 4 of us having nachos & beer is something that reaaaaally wants to happen.


and looking forward to your blogging again...

Anonymous said...

Yeah... why did I have to find a cute, single, amazing boy who lives in ROCHESTER though?!?!?!? Life.not.fair.

kristin said...

you just wouldn't be jac if you found a boy you could actually be with...

poor kid.

kristin said...

ha. i'm one to talk.

Anonymous said...


But I *am* making progress... after all, he is at least single... and a nice boy as well... =D

Sj said...

tsk tsk.. we're talking about AID ladies..not boyz