Monday, July 11, 2005

The Butler Brothers

The buzz on The Butler Brothers taken directly from their website...

Hollywood North Magazine has this to say:

About A & L: "The brash, unsentimental dialogue and bleak black and white composition of Alive and Lubricated creates a funny, insightful and raw look at the new suburban culture."

About Bums: "Bums crackling characters paint the genders as twins rather than opposites in a razor sharp snapshot of that gap between freedom and responsiblity."

That comment about the genders being twins, that makes me want to see this movie. I wonder if this was intentional... I love this idea. That the guys would portray men and women that way because that's how they inherently view things. Whenever I've talked to Brett, he has always spoken to me as an equal, never just wanting to brag about what books he's read (for example,) but wanting to know what I was reading too. So that would make sense. I like the girls in the trailer too. They just look confident, gorgeous, and smart. One of the guys in bums says "I find a smart girl more erotic than just some pretty girl, you know what I'm saying?" That's so cool. Smart girls sort of lose hope sometimes that there are guys who actually might give a shit about what goes on upstairs. Thanks Butler Brothers...

I was watching the trailers and, maybe it's the black and white, but I was reminded of Clerks. And that can't be bad. The dialogue is so sharp and different, just like talking to Brett or Jason... which is appropriate because they are the writers. Every line is a potential one-liner. Like this, from A&L "It's just lucky i amuse myself so much" and from Bums "you're the only one who gets you off, it's a sad, disgusting, narcissistic problem - get help"So to answer the obvious, yes, I'm ordering these DVD's really soon. Take a look at their site, it's gorgeous. I don't know who designed it but it's phenomenal.

Smart girls can be chearleaders too:
Goooooooooo Sub Prod!


Anonymous said...

I saw Butler today... he said the site was up and while I haven't yet been able to view the trailers (although I have already seen the one from Bums many moons ago) I saw the line "I find a smart girl more erotic than just some pretty girl, you know what I'm saying?" and thought it was pretty cool... too smart AND too sexy... killer combo, LOL!

kristin said...

"It's all happening."