Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Dear friend,

I just took the Nature Challenge at

The David Suzuki Foundation has researched the top 10 ways Canadians can conserve nature. The challenge is to pick three and do them over the next year. That's it!

It's a great way to get involved and really do something tangible to help make our world a better place.

I encourage you to visit The Nature Challenge Website to learn more.

Thank you.

you may have gotten this e-mail from me recently. Or maybe not. Well anyhooooo... I don't think David wants me to tell you the 10 things, I think he wants you to do the research and examine your life and see what you can do. One of the things I want to do is reduce waste at home and out there. So I want to eat take out less - all those containers, wrapping, bags, etc., are just too abundant. Plus I'll be healthier and save money! And when I buy a book or something I don't take a bag from the store if I don't need it. Something else is I want to do is use cloth bags for groceries... And ride my bike to work (although I already ride transit which is pretty good.) My biggest challenge is going to be enforcing the recycling at work, which I have been doing more nazi-ish lately. My most favouritest customer is a guy who works for the government who told us the other day he wants to start ordering all his printing to be on a higher level recycled paper

The thing is that making these changes takes a little work, a little thought, a little planning but the benefits are manifold in health, finances and the natural world around us. And don't even get me started on all of the corporations wasting and destroying precious ecosystems and exploiting cultures... when we make small changes these corporations lose and the destruction can be lessened and maybe stopped in some cases which can improve quality of life for people at risk.

I will have more later... Tom Robbins is seriously wrecking me with 'Even Cowgirls Get the Blues'...


Sj said...

what new steps have u decided to take?

kristin said...

dude, can't you read? i listed some already! the other big thing I want to do is find an apartment which has the Green Bin for composting. that is the coolest thing.

Sj said...

Oh wow I really did miss that...

PS. Tried your denying the bag thing..and the guy at Shoppers gave me the ODDEST look

kristin said...

lol! i told you! it's great fun.

the other thing I have to do is stop forgetting my travel mug at everyone's houses so I can actually use it!