Sunday, January 21, 2007

Do I dare...?

do i dare
think about you deeply enough
to write a poem?
a few days ago
i saw your face unexpectedly in a photo
and it was the heaviest anchor weighed upon my heart...
it was the most forceful wave of feeling and tears
I have felt in a very long time
and it felt so right
I can't look too much longer
this picture may be the end of me
my heart forgets how to beat
I have to force the breath out of my lungs
I can't explain how focussed I have become since,
not focussed on you but on me
slowly becoming strong enough to turn away
from what can't matter as much to me
as what I understand you do
as what I feel everything should do


Anonymous said...

That's a tough one.... you're right to focus on you but to not forget what matters to you at the end of it all.

kristin said...

i actually think i might edit this and rework it with the themes and imagery. i never edit poems but something about this feels like a work in progress. i wonder what that means.