Tuesday, January 02, 2007

just so you know I'm still here...

a quote

make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood...
make big plans, aim high in hope and work.

Daniel H. Burnham

I just like that. if you're going to dream make it big or don't bother.


Marieseda said...


If a little dreaming is dangerous, the cure for it is not to dream less but to dream more, to dream all the time.

Marcel Proust

Anonymous said...

hi Kristin. I know it's kinda late but I wanna wish you a happy new year full of blessings.

Dreaming is everything and, of course, you need to go for it. If you don't dream, you don't live cause you end up going nowhere.

Sj said...

Tis why I love movies like V for Vendetta.. that might not make sense to some, the connection and all.. but to have a dream and go for it.. is what V did.

kristin said...

V definitely had a vision: he vehemently and without vacillation vied for victory and vindication.

phew, thesaurus is my new best friend!

jj - good to see you around the blogs. thanks for stopping in.

ms - thanks for the new quote. I'm sooooo glad you changed your mind about your silly trip. it's much more fun around here than in boring stupid africa.

Anonymous said...

"If you're going to dream, make it big or don't bother"
Not neccessarily.
Whether you dream big or small, it shouldn't matter.
The fact that you have a dream and what it represents is what it's all about.

kristin said...

anon - i guess the point is to not be afraid to go big. if you can dream small, you can dream big. so might as well go big.

Anonymous said...

Point taken.
But do consider that some people move in baby steps first before taking a giant leap.

kristin said...

alright, alright. you wanna get nitpicky "anon" gooooo right ahead. i'm saying it's your dream, dog. your mind. who can stop you from dreaming what you want? only you. and there's always a justification. the reason I identified with this quote was about me, not other people. i'm saying to myself, you dig, don't let fear stop the dreams from being as big as I want. to always have the ass-kicking there is what i'm talkin about. if people don't tell me what I need to hear I gotta do it myself, and I cannot coddle myself and say "it's okay, baby steps girl, no big if you stay in that crap job forever... if school is too hard... that's okay." you see? my girl elisabeth reminds me - dreams only come true for those who dream them. and that's what i'm sayin. and if you are who i think you are... boy i tell you what. wait till i find your 'blog'.

Sj said...

Where are you at?