Wednesday, March 10, 2004

I've been thinking about people lately...

people that I used to know. people who i wonder where they are now. people I miss. it's so strange how you lose people, and don't think about them for a long time, and then all of a sudden you want them very intensely back in your life, and you have no way of making it happen.

what ever happened to Ricky? he was a boy who had cerebral palsy that was a family friend when I was a kid. do you know, dad? he was the son of your friend danny I think? I remember watching a movie with him in the basement, it was years after we'd seen them and they came over for a visit. I know he wasn't my best friend or anything, but I just remember that time really clearly he really loved the movie that was on and wanted to share it with me. it was nice.

about a year ago, I worked at a temp job in an office, and the guy who was at the desk next to me became a very good friend. we talked all the time, we went for coffee breaks with another girl, and sometimes just him and I went for walks together to the real nice coffee place down the street. his name was Yves, and I have no way to find him, not really. but I miss him! (I used to joke around and tell him we could go make out in the lounge - great fun!) I was on the streetcar yesterday, and I passed the area, and I scanned everywhere if I could see him and Juliana out for a break. well that job was really crappy, the people were horrible with only few exceptions. yves, juliana, josh was good for a laugh, and of course, me. i am sure they aren't there anymore. we took a lot of coffee breaks.

oh well, people, I love you. don't disappear.

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