Tuesday, May 11, 2004

2 months later

I should really post, eh? so... what's up? I have a computer at home now, but I'm still not online. as soon it's set up I will be able to post more often. when inspiration hits, I won't have to fit it into the schedule of the free internet cafe, I'll just have to turn on my little iBook! yay! a Mac! in my possession! did I tell you what a loyal "Mac Person" I am? You know there's only 2 types of people in this world, mac people and pc people. so i'm quite happy about this deal.

oh man. busy girl. work sucks. energy is lagging. money is tight. but i got this computer. and I'm working on my resume. and i'm working on my movie - sort of. so things are pretty cool, ya know?

okay. i'm pretty much done now. oh! season one Quantum Leap DVD is coming out in like 3 weeks and I can't wait! ohhhh. i heart quantum leap! and, young and the restless was okay today, but no michael and kevin. i guess wayne brady was only on for the one day. but it looks like Jack and Phyllis might be heading for a reunion... um yeah. today was a day off. okay, now I'm done.

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