Wednesday, September 29, 2004

blog a blog

I don't know how Justin does this everyday. I love to blog, but somedays it's so hard to find something to write about, ya know? but my roommate just started blogging a week ago and she's posted four times. so she's on my case "when are you gonna blog again" all the time!

but I have some sort of random thoughts...

I just took an iq test at i.q. test dot com. I guess I should be happy that I'm as smart as it said (157, but I'm taking that with a grain of salt. i'm a genius, right? but if i'm a genius, why am I a fucking receptionist? I mean, I'm a reaaaaaaally good receptionist, but there you have it. what do i do with my geniousity? Cuz, right now, I'm doin nothing. I could go on. but i won't.

I still LOVE Wil Wheaton. A lot.

I miss my soap operas. I miss working at Starbuck's so I can watch my soap operas.

I still didn't buy my Quantum Leap DVD and I haven't seen Star Trek Enterprise in regularly since season 2. When the season premiere of season 4 is on I'm going to be so lost. Sorry Scott, I do still love you....

Steve, Gord, Deb, Aseolites --- how was the Art Gallery? Did Dan go? I didn't go. I suck. But I... ah shit , I don't know. I just suck!

I am a complete geek in my love of my new apartment. It's stupid. I have to go do the dishes soon.

Elisabeth recognized an old love of mine on the bus from a picture I showed her 2 days ago. She sat beside him. yikes. Hi Ken.

Life is crazy. My job, or rather the company I work at, is so bizarre. streamlining? communication? process? respect? teamwork? these are like alien concepts.

yeah, I think that's why I don't blog so often. It's not that I don't have anything to say, It's that I have so much to say but barely the energy to filter it.

The burden of genius...

1 comment:

Sj said...

First off... Hi Ken? WOW.. Yo, MORBID STREAK!!!!

Second.. I find it hard to blog myself. Sometimes it comes to me so easily, and at other times I only find myself THINKING about it. No good.

Third.. The AGO was fantastic. Two exhibits: Kazuo Nakamura : Art, Math and Chaos or something.. and one called Global Networks.. how different collapses of systems, conspiracies etc, were linked. Quite..lengthy and exhausting..though the Vietnamese food afterwards helped a ton.