Friday, March 11, 2005

I don' t have a crush on him. I don't have a crush on him. I don't...

So in an e-mail to a 'new' friend today, I alluded to my current personal crisis I expressed that I was having a hard day and really feeling down about my life. I was pretty brief and I think he knows I wasn't trying to whine, but my new pal saw where I was coming from and decided he wanted to help. so he proceeded to write back with some words of wisdom.

I dare you to not fall in love with him - I hope he doesn't mind me quoting him
...whats the problem?

The usual feeling like you should be at some certain level that you don't feel like you've yet achieved? Hey man, that happens to the best of matter what level of success we achieve...its engrained in us to want think bigger...and therefore find it very hard to be happy with what you've got.

The trick is to find the things that do bring you some
joy in life...and focus on them. It doesn't hurt to keep an eye on the less fortunate or even the "what ifs" about the things you have achieved to date. The worst thing you can do is set yourself a timeline...goals are fantastic...but timelines set you up for disappointment.

You're a fantastic girl, with a great head on your shoulders and a compassionate and empathetic heart. I personally find those things to be the biggest achievements in life...and the keys to keeping you happy...the longest. Theres a difference between the things that can give you a solid foundation of well being, and the things that can make you happy immediately, but temporarily. A nice car is great, a beautiful house is fantastic, having some money in the bank always works...but they can easily be taken from you in the blink of an eye with one regretful decision. Then what? Everything you based your happiness on is gone...and you're left miserable and empty? No thanks.

A compassionate heart can never be taken from you...and thats exactly the kind of thing that will attract the people you want to be around, whether in a romantic sense or not. The ones attracted to the material will be gone as fast as the car and house.

You have the keys to occupy your mind in a constructive just have to understand what it is you need to focus on. I believe that, with a good heart and the right efforts, everything else will fall
into place accordingly.
These are seriously wise words, and it's so great to meet someone with such a giving nature. And he has such a lovely opinion of me from knowing me only a short time. I only hope he keeps thinking so highly of me. The words we say - or write - have impact. But I don't know where anyone would have gotten the idea that I have a huge killer crush on him. that's just silly!

1 comment:

LXA said...

that is SO sweet and cute, Kristin!

crushes are so nice.. I just have a problem with really liking a guy and then I find out he has a gf! lol

keep us(me lol) updated on how things go with him! :)