Tuesday, March 15, 2005


It's funny because for the last few days I've been reviewing my old posts. Somewhat in light of a certain someone who's never read my blog but if he ever did, what would he think. I've seen my life in a new light recently which is what prompted my new description and a bit of an overhaul of things. But I didn't delete any of my old posts - I could not do that, even the embarassing ones.

- I've still never bought the Quantum Leap Season 1 DVD
- I still 'heart' Wil Wheaton - who was on CSI last week: so awesome!
- I still go through major periods where I can't stand going to work
- Nobody from work knows about my blog so I can talk brutally honestly
- Oddly enough I only write about half of the things I think about (what happened to Agreements 3 and 4, right?)
- I haven't talked to Jac in ages - are you still reading, Jac?
- my posts are still too long
- There are a lot of things I want to accomplish, and usually I don't even know where to start

That's it for now. Tell me, what do you think?


LXA said...

love the new description K! that's my mindset also, I refuse to settle :)

I think it's a good thing that not everyone knows about blogs.. so we can rant or bitch about them/it when we need and not feel hindered.

I know if I blogged all the things I thougth about... there wouldn't be enough room in cyberspace! haha!

take care hon! :)

Sj said...

You write with more proficiency than I. In fact, I hardly write while you WRITE.

I like your posts, I love your blog.

Your still cool bud

kristin said...

steve shut up. thanks, that was sweet.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. dance drink beer unwind. happy St. Patrick's day and all that.


Anonymous said...

I'm still here... you just haven't posted in a while either. I like reading your blogs because I think we have a lot of similar emotions/reactions to things- either because of what BMB inspired within us or what attracted him to us in the first place, either way it's a commonality now... and I'll try and blog more I just only tend to when something really hits me emotionally... and I have to get it out.