Saturday, March 19, 2005

I own you...I like it.

I'm glad "what's his name" isn't reading my blog. It's so true, It would totally change my ability to be open. Someday he'll read all of what I wrote about him and love it. and love me. but right now it would feel unfair for him to have access to me when I don't have the same access to him.

steve would tell him just to get a blog. he'd probably be a good blogger. his ability to be open & honest would balance our dilemma out in no time at all.

Ever had one of those moments, in the early stages of a crush when you start to worry that he isn't 'as into you' as you are with him? and then he does something that makes it clear he is? i love those. special little thrill. getting ready to go home yesterday, after sending him our goodnight e-mail, and lamenting having not heard his voice all day, he called me. To say goodnight. he missed my voice.

aaah, boys.

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